Galleria illy – In Beijing, from October 27 to December 2

pechino cinaART – After New York, Milan, Trieste, Istanbul, Berlin and London, Gallery illy is to open October 26th, 2012 in Beijing, in China, inside Parkview Green FangCaoDi, a compound recently built in the Central Business District of the city.
Galleria illy is a temporary space, the expression of philosophy and values of illy, the Italian brand of high quality coffee. It is a culture salon where some of the leading protagonists at international level in the world of arts, literature, science, design, wine and food get together. Every day, with Università del caffè, the culture of coffee has the role of main actor, with classes and tastings.
Galleria illy is hosted every time by a different city, at the forefront of creativity. In Beijing, hearth of the millenary Chinese culture and now a global and cosmopolitan metropolis, illy found the same cultural crossover and artistic contaminations which are part of its DNA.
The Spanish chef Josean Alija and the Israeli designer Ron Arad are to enter the group of guests who will participate to Galleria illy, scheduled in Beijing from October 27 to December 2, inside Parkview Green FangCaoDi. They will join the Chinese artist Liu Wei and the photographer Sebastião Salgado, already announced in the past weeks, in a rich calendar of events and meetings open to the public, with international representatives of the art, culture, design, wine and food worlds.
Besides Liu Wei, other Chinese artist Lin Tianmiao will participate to Galleria illy, as well as Lü Peng, one of the main curator and expert on Chinese contemporary art – thanks to the collaboration with Charta, a long-time partner of illycaffè – and some students of CAFA (China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing), who will perform around a number of giant illy cups. On this occasion, the new issue of “illywords” will be presented: the magazine through which the company keeps a constant dialogue with the worlds of art and culture will be titled “Go East!” and will present the Prized works from CAFA Graduate Show this year.
The world of wine and food has a wide space in the program of the events, with the renowned chefs Josean Alija and Pino Cuttaia, the organization of courses by Università del caffè of Trieste, tastings of wines and foods that represent at their best the excellence of the Italian production. This is the case, for example, of the wines produced by Mastrojanni – the wineries that joined the illy Group in 2008 – and will be presented in a tasting event led by Riccardo Illy, the President of the Holding.
As usual, Galleria illy will be an important event to meet all those people and partners with whom illycaffè has been working for years: the above mentioned Charta, publisher of many artists linked to the company of Trieste; Moroso, that has worked in order to have Ron Arad attend, one of the main designers of the Italian company and member of the “Moroso Award for Contemporary Art” 2012 jury.
All the program details and updates will be on

3 ottobre 2012

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